Friday 15 February 2008

the missing valve covers

so someone was nice enough to steal 3 of 4 valve covers off of my car the other day. the valve cover, or valve cap, rests ontop of the valve that you pump air into the tire through. amusing at best. they are winter tires. wonder if there's a big market for second hand valve caps.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Some photos!

Here are some random photos i've taken off of my mobile HTC s620. The timestamps appear to be off on some of the photos. Enjoy them...who cares when they were taken : )

Audi A5


so, i have a car. i like it. just a little bit.

2008 (or is it 2007) Audi A5 3.0 TDI . meh, got it new'ish in September 2007. You do the math. It was a demo and I couldn't wait for one to be ordered / delivered ... so I took the demo with 1,500km on it. Well, lease said 5,500km ... but the odo. said 1,500km. Am I going to complain? No. Free mileage!

Gonna start posting some photos here and other crap about it. Let's me not clutter up the normal blog...